Counting My Blessings. Counting My Lessons. (Day 2)

Counting My Blessings. Counting My Lessons. (Day 2)

Hi Friends, Day 2 of the countdown starts now! Lesson #2: Accountability Happens In Community Sometimes God will put the blessing you need in someone else.  And in order for you to get what you need, you have to step outside of yourself and connect with others.  This...
Counting My Blessings. Counting My Lessons. (Day 2)

Counting My Blessings. Counting My Lessons.

Hi Friends! I hope you have enjoyed this Christmas season so far.  I sure have.  I got some much needed R&R and spent time with family and friends.  But I have missed sharing with you the last two weeks.  So I am doing something a little different with my blog to...