Friends, as we are nearing the end of the year, I want to leave you with one final thought about vision.  Vision is a decision.  

Job 22:28 (ESV) says, “You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.”

This verse reminds us of the power of decision.  For many of us it’s easier to believe that the sovereign God of the universe works all things together for our good than it is to believe that we have a critical role to play in both casting and executing the vision for our lives.  But the reality is both of these statements are true.  

God is sovereign and He is doing the heavy lifting in our lives.  There are battles and victories that God is winning on our behalf that we know nothing of and could never win on our own.

My favorite rendering of Romans 8:28 is the NIV which reads, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  The phrase I love most is “in all things God works”  (insert praise break).  And while that is great news, it does not give us permission to live passively.

If God is working in all things, could that be an indication of what we should be doing, even in the setbacks and disappointments?  That may look like working towards the vision you are pursuing by reading a book, taking a class, or finding a mentor.  That may look like working towards becoming your best self by actively pursuing healing and wholeness, going to counseling, prioritizing yourself, ending toxic relationships or habits, journaling your feelings, or finding a support system.  Whatever working looks like for you, it first requires a decision-your decision.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “ the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

So friends, make your decision so that life doesn’t make it for you.  Before 2021 walks out and 2022 walks in, decide.  Who will you be? How will you live? What will you have? What will you leave?  And as you prayerfully consider the answer to these questions, remember there is no limit to what God can accomplish through you.  So dream big!  Then commit. Commit to making an effort. Commit to taking a step.  Commit to believing that your vision is possible and worth pursuing.  I am living proof that with God all things are possible.

And if you know someone who could use a little encouragement as they pursue the vision God has given them, share this blog with them.  

Living In The Light,


Brandi Morris