Hi Friends,
Happy Love Day! Yes, I know it’s February 15 and that Valentine’s Day was yesterday. But when you’ve been invited to the King’s table, everyday is Love Day. So regardless of our relationship status, know that you are loved by the King today and everyday.
Let’s get into the third installment of this series.
Have you ever spent time with someone who was distracted? Maybe in anticipation of seeing them, you picked out something special to wear, chose the perfect place, or planned a memorable experience. Or maybe you simply had an expectation that the other person would be as interested and engaged as you were.
This happened to Jesus when He visited two sisters named Mary and Martha. One sister, Mary, sat close, listened attentively, and hung on Jesus’ every word during His visit. The other sister, Martha, was distracted with the big dinner she was making. Jesus summed up the situation like this in Luke 10: 41-42 (NLT): “But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
In that moment, there were many things that demanded the attention of the sisters, but there was only one thing that deserved it. Can you see yourself in this story? I can. Over the last few weeks I’ve been way too much Martha and not enough Mary. I think Carol Arnott said it best when she said, “God has many laborers but few lovers.”
The King’s table is a place for lovers. It’s a place of closeness and intimacy. Mary discovered this table and found the best. Instead of obsessing over serving Jesus, she realized that Jesus wanted to serve her.
The table is symbolic of our hearts. God wants to meet with us heart to heart. He serves us from His heart. He generously gives to us from His heart. He prepares daily provision for us from His heart. And if we are attentive, He bears His heart to us, trusting us with His secrets and innermost thoughts. And the truth is God wants only one thing from us in return — our hearts.
Friends, work and service is good, and they should be part of the life of a believer. But don’t forget to let Jesus serve you. He invites us to the table He has prepared everyday to enjoy a meal and be satisfied by Him. I have found that I learn to love God and be loved by God at the table, the place of communion, comfort, exchange, and instruction, where I am served and where I received.
So again, I wish you a very happy Love Day!
As always, if this message has been a blessing to you, then be a blessing to someone else by sharing it with them.
Living In The Light,